My Writing

09 February, 2021

We Interrupt This Broadcast...

 ...To announce, with some regret, that this blog will be on a bit of a hiatus for a period yet to be determined. Somehow, in the midst of a pandemic in which we've been urged to stay at home and I have been doing a whole lot of very little...

...I have somehow managed to tear the cartilage in a knee.*

The injury happened, readers will be astonished to learn, about a week before the time of the previous post here. For the past three weeks I have been waiting, per my GP's instructions, to see if this injury wasn't just a ligament strain. It wasn't a ligament strain.

Some people, my GP assures me, can tear cartilage and go on to lead perfectly normal lives. Some, apparently, don't even know they've injured themselves.

I am not one of those lucky people.

Instead I am experiencing pain sufficient to make me nauseated. I am in sufficient pain that even mild exercise isn't possible at the moment. And more to the point where this blog is concerned, I haven't been able to think clearly enough to write anything of use for posting here. Or to write anything at all, really. It took a couple of hours to write this. Oh, and did I mention that pain-killers don't work very well for me?

I'm supposed to be having an MRI at some point in the immediate future. I suspect the best outcome of that procedure will be surgery and rehab. Wish me luck.

*As near as I can tell, I inflicted this on myself while making the bed. Doesn't make for a very exciting story, I'm afraid.