My Writing

26 March, 2019

Velleity: Word of the Day

Velleityv. Obs. rare—. [ velleitat-, velleitas, f. L. velle to will, wish: see ITY.]

1. The fact or quality of merely willing, wishing or desiring, without any effort or advance towards action or realization.

1768 TUCKER Lt. Nat. (1834) I. 10. Velleity can scarce be called a power, for a power which never operates is no power at all.

2. With a. and pl. A mere wish, desire or inclination without accompanying action or effort.
Very common in the 17th c.; now somewhat rare.

[This one's for Karl Schroeder, who actually uses it quite a bit—which is quite meta, in its own way. -MS]

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