My Writing

23 June, 2019

Mother of God! Is This the End of Sucrophile?

Well, yeah. Pretty much so. For the time being, anyway.

There are two reasons for this (well, perhaps two and a half). First: I've run out of old reviews to re-post. This feature was set up in the first place because some friends wanted me to publish the kiddyrot cereal reviews I wrote back in the early '90s, when I was trying to persuade CBC Radio that there was something passably amusing in the concept of cereal reviews.

(The half-reason is that while I have an enormous archive of old kiddyrot cereal boxes I have no memory at all of what the products themselves were like. Buzz Lightyear Cereal? A complete mystery. I could make shit up, I suppose, but that's not what we're like here at the Institute.)

The second reason is that eating this stuff just isn't good for you. I'm having enough trouble persuading friends to take the boxes of new product I've reviewed this year as it is, and that's just four boxes. Were I mad enough to try to continue doing this once a week, I'd likely be condemning my social circle to an early, grotesquely sugary, grave.

Don't despair, though, cereal fans. There are enough people out there who want to encourage me in my folly that Sucrophile may well make the occasional appearance even if it no longer shows up in your grocery aisle on a weekly basis.

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