A tip o' the crash helmet to friend Do-Ming, who pointed me to the following image:
Two of these gents are characters in Dixie's Land or its related short fiction. The third guy pre-dates all of the stories (but not the timeline) Image by James Berridge, used without permission; I hope he doesn't mind |
The artist in question, James Berridge, has restored and coloured a single portrait shot of every US president who served after the invention of the photographic process but before the development of colour photography. (That's all but the first five and the most recent fourteen, by my estimate.)
There are certainly legitimate objections that could be made to the process of updating old photos in this fashion, but when it's done well it seems to me it can be done while paying real attention to telling details (one that stands out is Coolidge's red hair and freckles, something I not known about before reading Berridge's post on PetaPixel). And in turn this can make it much easier for at least some of us to relate to these gentlemen as individuals and humans with something in common with all of us.
I thought I'd mention it here because of the connection with Dixie's Land. And, really, because since first seeing Jackson's They Shall Not Grow Old, I have been a little bit fascinated with the whole process of restoration/colourization.