My Writing

10 July, 2020

Sowing Ghosts 18.5

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[continuing chapter 18]

Katsumi lay on her side, one hand propping up her head while the other traced the characters in the book she was reading. Hiroki, standing in the doorway to her room, saw sweat beading on her forehead and said to himself, Increase the dosage in her medicine tonight. The wound isn’t healing quickly enough.

“I am sorry to see you still in pain,” he told her.

“I have an enormous hole in my leg,” she said. “Of course I’m still in pain.” She took a deep breath. “I am sure I will still be in pain long after you have left the city.”

Hiroki wanted to turn away, so he forced himself to look at her. “I wish that I could say something more than ‘I’m sorry,’ but I cannot think of anything that wouldn’t be trite. And I would rather not insult you.”

“You have not insulted me,” Katsumi said, blushing, “and I am certain you could not. I am not so dull-witted that I am surprised by your departure, Lord Yoshino — Hiroki. You came to the capital with a task to perform, and I imagine you have performed it.”

Hiroki thought back to the meeting he had just left. To Lord Naitō looking on, brow furrowed, as Lord Matsukata proudly showed off the letter, stamped with the bright-red Ashikaga seal, proclaiming the shōgun’s recognition of Lord Tanuma’s new promotion to the position of shugo — military governor — of Kozuke province. It was the promised reward for Hiroki’s having aided the Miyoshi family.

And it was worth less than the paper it was painted on.

“You understood correctly,” he said. “We have completed our assignment here, and so we must return home.” She raised one eyebrow at him, and he realized with a shock that she must have learned — or guessed — that Kyoto was really his home. No matter how loudly I deny it, he thought. I must get out of here, and quickly. This woman is too dangerous for me.

“I have — ah, I have taken some steps — I have asked — oh, hells.” He shook his head, fussed with his sleeves. “This shouldn’t be so difficult.” Katsumi smiled, then, her mouth quivering just a little. Definitely too dangerous. “Lord Hosokawa Katsunata is going to let you live in this place while you heal,” he told her. “You and your caregivers. No, do not object,” he said, waving away her protest. “It is the least we can do for you. What is more, Lord Hosokawa knows of your interest in poetry, and is looking forward to discussing it with you.”

“Though not, unless I am very much mistaken, in the same ways you discussed poetry with me,” she said. Hiroki could not resist laughing, and as he laughed he felt most of the tension leave him.

“You will indeed be able to concentrate exclusively on the written word with him,” he said.  “I expect to find you an accomplished poet and essayist, in the style of Sei Shonagon or Ono no Komachi, when we next meet.”

“Oh?” Both eyebrows rose now. “Am I to expect your return to the capital, then?”

I am, he suddenly knew, looking forward to it. He said nothing to her, just nodded as he left the room.

Next    Characters    Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6
Chapter 7    Chapter 8    Chapter 9    Chapter 10    Chapter 11    Chapter 12    Chapter 13    Chapter 14
Chapter 15    Chapter 16    Chapter 17    Chapter 18

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